Seller Guide
Item Archive Requirements
All products added to the marketplace should include all files that can come in handy to the end-user, these include a documentation folder. Additionally, the readme.txt file may include credits, some additional licensing details, etc.
CMS themes (WordPress, Joomla, Magento etc.) archive structure
- /Documentation (documentation in PDF or HTML format)
- /PSD (optional)
- /Demo Content (files needed to install the theme with demo content)
- / (WordPress installable theme)
HTML themes archive structure
- /Documentation (documentation in PDF or HTML format)
- /PSD (optional)
- / (HTML theme)
PSD products archive structure
- /Documentation (documentation in PDF or HTML format)
- /Source Files (.psd, .jpg, .png, etc)
WP Plugins & PHP Websites archive structure
- /Documentation (documentation in PDF or HTML format)
- /PSD (optional)
- / (HTML theme)
Your item name and description must accurately describe your item and its components. They should both provide relevant information that makes it easy for customers to find items meeting their needs.
The name field should always be relevant, concise, and professional looking. The following are examples of good and bad naming practices:
- “This is the File Name” – Capitalize the first letter in each word. Small words like “of” and “an” may be lowercase.
- “Template with CMS” – Capitalize acronyms and abbreviations like XML and PSD.
- “WordPress Template” – Do follow the industry standard even if it doesn’t follow the normal capitalization rules. For example, use jQuery and WordPress instead of Jquery and Wordpress.
- “THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE” – Do not use all CAPS.
- “this is also not acceptable” – Do not use all lowercase.
- “Beautiful File” or “The Best Template” – Do not use subjective words like brilliant, amazing, or best. These words describe your opinion rather than what the file actually is.
- “this is also not acceptable” – Do not use all lowercase.
- “User9909 – File Name” – Do not append your username or any other less-relevant information to the file name.
- “Apple-like Design” – Do not describe what your item is similar to in its title, describe what it actually is.
- Must be no more than 100 characters including spaces
- English characters only
- Apona | Virtual Assistant WordPress Theme
- Lami | Recipe Blogging WordPress Theme
- Photography - Photo Theme for Photographers - This is keyword stuffing.
- Apoona | Responsive Theme - Misleading to customers by replicating or impersonating another LifeInSYS item.
- Lami | The Best WordPress Theme - Use of subjective words in the Item Title.
Your description must accurately describe all elements of your main file. Ensure you mention if anything shown in the preview is not included in the main .zip and note if any main element is rasterized, outlined or otherwise not editable. If you're using non-standard fonts in your item, these must be documented in your description.
Links should be respectful of Envato Market and not seek to drive traffic to any external, competing site or service (including linking to items for sale on your personal website).
- Items that need to be attributed or sourced, for example, resources which you used for images in your item.
- Online documentation or support forums if you run external support services.
- Third-party content used in your items for technical/descriptive purposes, for example, open source code libraries, third-party plugins, content management systems, APIs, etc.
- Additional demos and alternate previews of your items.
- Social media accounts, for example, your personal Twitter account.
Linking to competing sites and brands is governed by a fair use policy. We ask authors not to promote alternative ways to purchase the same or similar items available on LifeInSYS Market through other websites and services.
Thumbnail: Create an 80x80 JPG or PNG for your thumbnail. Make sure your thumbnail accurately represents your file. Your thumbnail image (and/or avatar image) must not contain trademarks or images of celebrities.
Theme Preview: Create a 590x300 JPG for your preview image. Make sure your preview image is an accurate representation of your file. Your preview image must not contain trademarks or images of celebrities.
Screenshots: Save your main files into a .zip folder, including all instructions. Ensure the files are organized in a clear and orderly fashion.
Main File: You can provide additional multiple preview images in JPG or PNG format.
Installable Theme: You must provide a separated cms theme installable .zip file.
Category & Attributes
Choose a suitable category for your file. Select which file types are included in your download (you can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key on Windows or the COMMAND key on OS X). Select which software and versions of software your file can be opened in.
Tags should be lower case and you may enter up to 15 tags, separated by commas, spelled correctly (using American Standard English) and should relate to your item, its specifications, and its possible uses. Do not use the same tags for every item. Each tag must be relevant to the item it is applied to.
Please Note:Tags may be more than one word eg. “music band”, “music-band”.
Message to the Reviewer
Enter any relevant information you wish to send to the reviewer.
Commission rate
There are predefined commission rates when selling products on LifeInSYS Marketplace.
Sale commission are only 10% in LifeInSYS and our price recommendation lower than competitor marketplaces, which gives you a huge advantage over its competitors. From each sale you will earn more money than in other marketplaces because of lower commission.
The total price for an item on LifeInSYS Market is made up of
- Item price: The item price is made up of a license fee (for the license chosen for the item) which author must set for item.
- Buyer fee: This is the fee buyers pay LifeInSYS for the buyer services we provide buyers.
Your earning calculation algorithm: (Total price - Buyer fee) - (Item price * Author fee) / 100
Earning calculation example:
Item price: 31$
Buyer fee: 8$
Total price: 31$ + 8$ = 39$
Your earning: (39 - 8) - (31 * 10) / 100 = 29.9$